Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to change the tab size for SASS/SCSS files in Aptana [HACK]

I found this today and it was really helpful:

I'm currently using Aptana to do all my php development and the default tab size for SASS files is set to 2. For myself, prefer a tab size of 4 for all source files I'm working on (html, php, js, css, sass, etc.) so I went up to Window > Preferences >Editors > SASS and changed to size setting to 4. Which worked nicely but to my surprise this setting does not save when you exit Aptana.

Currently, this is a small bug in Aptana issue tracker that they are working on, so for now we have this little hack that a user named Drew responded with in the thread.

Here is the post:

Although it’s a hack, you can solve the problem by going to your Workbench directory > .metadata > .plugins > org.eclipse.core.runtime > .settings > com.aptana.editor.sass.prefs (or any other file in this directory) and add a line at the end of the document with any text editor:
Also, make sure this line is at the top, and set to “false” (if it’s not there, add it): 1
Save and close the file, and Aptana will remember the tab preference. However, this doesn’t resolve the issue that Aptana isn’t writing to the preference file in the first place.