With the script below, just set the #config params and point it at your JavaScript source folder. If you create a file called application.js in your source folder, it will be the first file that is written in the final file.
puts 'Google Closure Compiler'; puts 'Concatenate and minify all JavaScript in src directory'; # config closure = 'C:/closure-compiler/compiler.jar' src_dir = '../assets/js/src' src_dest = '../assets/js/application.min.js' # load all files from src_dir files_arr = Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "*.js")); # apply sort order so application is first files_arr.sort! do |file_a, file_b| if File.basename(file_a) == "application.js" then -1 else 0 end end # compile all application src code cmd = "java -jar #{closure} --js " + files_arr.join(" ") + " --js_output_file #{src_dest}" puts "running: #{cmd}" IO.popen(cmd);
Along with this script, here is a version for all the vendor scripts in your project. Point this at your 'vendor' or 'libs' folder and it will compress and create a *.min.js file for each script in that folder.
puts 'Google Closure Compiler'; puts 'Minifying all vendor src code'; # config closure = 'C:/closure-compiler/compiler.jar' src_dir = '../assets/js/vendor' src_dest = '../assets/js/vendor' # compile all vendor src code Dir.glob(File.join(src_dir, "*.js")).each do |f| unless f.include? '.min.js' name = File.basename f new_name = name.gsub(/.js/, '.min.js'); cmd = "java -jar #{closure} --js #{src_dir}/#{name} --js_output_file #{src_dest}/#{new_name}" puts "running: #{cmd}" IO.popen(cmd); end end;
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